Benjamin Hey! Embraces His Music Career One Song At A Time

On April 15th, 2017, Benjamin Hey! took on a daily songwriting challenge. The NYC-based artist and producer, who was then working as an actor and model, has...

With “Welcome to the World, ” Trudytheproducer moves from the background to the front...

With his latest single, “Welcome to the World,” Trudytheproducer is doing two things. He is delivering a message of mental health and help and launching a career...

Lynn Davis honors her talent, her R&B, and her soul with “Can I Come...

Lynn Davis grew up listening to the greats of R&B and soul. Beginning as a teenager she became one of them, and for four decades she toured...

Gorgeous George Creates Sonic Distribution to Empower Artists

Gorgeous George The Pimp God is no stranger to “hustling”. Coming straight out of H-Town or in his words, “Hustle-Town”, George got his first car at the...

Artist Resse P Single ‘F.T.O.S.’ Hits #1 on iTunes!!

The hit single 'F.T.O.S.' by Resse P debuts on the charts going #1 in Canada!Born and raised in Chicago is the groundwork for her as an artist....

45Redline Brings Eclectic Tastes To The Table With Alternative Rap/Rock Fusion

The five artists behind the West Coast group 45redline, each grew up listening to different music – everything from classic rock and grunge, to early 2000’s nu...

Maurice Carroll Teams Up With Grammy-nominated Carolyn Malachi For New Dance Track

When it comes to his music, Maurice Carroll has a simple goal.  The Baltimore-based composer and producer has worked with artists who’ve been nominated for – and won...

Love Canafuego Finds Inspiration Through Pop Music And Encouragement From Her Family

BOSTON, MA—Love Canafuego finds inspiration through pop music and encouragement from her family.  While Love, and her brother Joyful Canafuego, are still in grade school, both have learned...

Dale Bushka’s “Casey’s Shadow” Shows Yet Another Side To His Eclectic Mix Of Music

Over the years, Dale Bushka has released music as the spirit moved him, every one different from the last, often to a large degree in music and...

Rising R&B Artist Kris Jonathon Dealt With Heartbreak – But He’d Do It All...

When a young Kris Jonathon was gifted an iPod, the first music he wanted to listen to was Soulja Boy – but his mom said no.  Instead, she...

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