Recording Sensation Inas X, AKA The Trap Princess Jasmine, Infuses Middle Eastern Sounds with R&B and Pop Music
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Every so often an artist comes along who possesses unique qualities and skills that puts her in a league of her own. It’s...
On April 15th, 2017, Benjamin Hey! took on a daily songwriting challenge. The NYC-based artist and producer, who was then working as an...
With “Welcome to the World, ” Trudytheproducer moves from the background to the front of the stage
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With his latest single, “Welcome to the World,” Trudytheproducer is doing two things. He is delivering a message of mental health and help...
Lynn Davis grew up listening to the greats of R&B and soul. Beginning as a teenager she became one of them, and for...
Gorgeous George The Pimp God is no stranger to “hustling”. Coming straight out of H-Town or in his words, “Hustle-Town”, George got his...