1. We’re thrilled to have you for an interview, Gary!  How has 2021 been

treating you so far, all things considered?  First of all, thank you for the interview and for your time.  So far 2021 has been great because of my music and the new album.  I feel like it’s the begininng of a new level in my life. Signing with MTS Records has been an honor.  I have titled this year as “My Music Year”.  My time this year has been getting the album ready for release and promoting  the first single “A Song You Can Drink A Beer To”.   This has been my main focus. I feel like music puts the “normal” into my everyday life.   I have not really had the time dwell on any  of the negative aspects.  I try to keep positive.

2. Your single “A Song You Can Drink A Beer To” is really doing well on

both domestic and international charts.  Are you surprised at the amount

of attention you’ve received for the song?  I am actually so grateful and blessed that it is doing so well.  I knew that Michael Stover (MTS Records) would be doing a great job in getting the song out there.  Finally people are hearing my music  Everyone who has been invovled involved in this project are amazing talented people.   I knew once people heard it, they would love it. I especially have to thank my fans for all their continued support.

3. Do you feel like people “get” what you’re trying to do with your

music?  With all the recent interviews that I have had, I am learning exactly what I want to say with my music.  This Album is dedicated to the memory of my Brother.  I do feel that people know what I am expressing.  We all are living life.  We all go through good times, accomplishments, disapointments, heartbreaks, finding love, finding God, beating addictions, making wrong decisions and right decisions and being happy.  We all make mistakes  and we are all human.  Life is full of changes.  The main thing is that we remain positive and each one of us should strive to be a better person in the end.

4. Growing up, who did you listen to?  Do you still listen to those

artists, or have your tastes changed as you’ve gotten older?  I listened to a variety of Artists- including Elvis, Garth, Leann Rimes, Brooks and Dunn, Dwight Yoakum to name a few.  I continue to listen to them, however, I do love some of the new artists.  My taste has changed a bit through the years.   I have listened  and performed all types of music but my heart  belongs to Country Music.  I am not happy unless I am singing, learning and growing my music craft.  Musicians and Writers are always looking to  improve their talents.

5. Pittsburgh is known for its blue-collar history and sports teams. 

What is something that people would be surprised to know about

Pittsburgh? One thing I find that some people in the area don’t even know is in North Park. There is a hill they call Gravity Hill- where cars seem to roll up hill.  It is an awesome experience.  It is also the largest public park in Allegheny County and is home to the county’s largest lake.

6. What is one song that you never change when it comes on?  The Dance by Garth Brooks.  It was written by Grammy Nominee Tony Arata.  The title song of my new album, “Something Worth Remembering”,  was also written by Tony Arata.  What an honor this is for me.  

7. Are you involved in any charitable works?  If so, what?  I am involved in a few charitable organizations.  The Cancer Society’s Relay For Life  is one project I have been invovled with for years.  In fact I wrote a song titled “The Relay for Life” and I  have performed it at several area programs and it has been used at Relay For Life events throughout the US.  I am also invovled with Animal Friends and The Westmoreland Cultural Trust.  I am always looking to help others.

8. Tell us one thing about you that most people would be surprised to

know.  I am addicted to listening to Joel Osteen on Sirius Radio.

9. Tell us what’s next for you, on the music front? I plan on writing with some other Artists and Nashville writers in the future.  I’d like to write a Christian song.  I have a few ideas. I am looking forward in doing a full blown video of one of my songs.

10. What do you hope that people will think of when they hear the name

Gary Pratt?  That I am not a perfect person. I fall, I make mistakes and I get back up. I live life to the fullest each day and I am a genuine caring person who believes in God.  When people hear my music and my name- I want them to think just that.