Chadly Francois, who became known as King Chad, is a musical artist from Sarasota, Florida. He initially started making his music with his siblings, Ashley Francois and Young Knight, in 2018. Since then, he has developed not only his skills, but also his artistry. Over the years he continued writing songs with a breakout year 2021. During that year he released many singles while working on other projects. Most notably, he devoted his time and attention to the creation of his 5th album called “Purpose”.

For this album, King Chad had to dig much deeper than he ever had before. While in much of his previous work, like in the single “New Year” which was released at the start of this year, the artist had blended unique retro and 80s elements to create a sound that was both nostalgic and at the same time new, for this album, he has gone in an entirely new direction.

This new album “Purpose” has fresh new sounds, beats, and rhythms, and it is a break from the style that King Chad may have previously been known for. In many ways, this new album is the natural evolution of a hard-working artist, where the previously used elements of his music are incorporated in new ways, with the new elements to ensure great quality and to show off the artist’s evolution.

The songs from this album are quickly taking over the radio, with songs like “My Queen” and “Reminisce” being aired repeatedly.

The album “Purpose” is not only unique in its sounds, though, and perhaps that is what makes the album more loved by listeners. This album is a glimpse into the artist’s psyche, his own thoughts, and purpose. In many ways, this album is more personal than any of his previous music was, and the songs have an air of self-evaluation of the artist as a person. Perhaps, it is for this reason that this album has truly been breaking into the music scene, and it is quickly becoming so popular.

For listeners, it offers the unique opportunity of not only having music that is great to vibe to, but also that is personable and relatable.

“Purpose” is now available on all streaming platforms. If you want to learn more about King Chad, his music, and his artistry, you can also follow him online on Instagram at @kingchad_1